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God, I love this boy so much....

...and my lil kitten Moo, too.

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Oh, wah.

January 16, 2003 ~ 5:58 PM

Noah was complaining yesterday about my leacing stuff in his room. He was all peeved and worried that my stuff would accumulate or something. I have my shower stuff in his room cuz I like using the handicap shower on the first floor. I had left my shoes and socks and tie in his room cuz I went to take a shower. Yeah, Noah tripped or something. {Not literally, mind you} It was so weird. And kinda lame. It's like, get over it. He's all "We spend so much more time in your room and I never leave my stuff in your room." Sure. As if, honey. It's just that I never complain. And I usually take it back to your room for you so you don't ever miss it. Or how about this: I just don't care that you leave your stuff in my room. I'm not all stingy about personal space. That's why I found four pairs of his socks and a sweater in my laundry when I did it last night. Did you hear me complain about him leaving the stuff in my room? Nuh uh. I washed it for him. I've got scraps of paper and index cards all over my desk with his stuff on it. Do I complain? No. I check to see if he needs it still and if he does, I keep it and if he doesn't I throw it away. I really don't care that his stuff is here. It's disheartening that it bothers him. Adds onto that whole not the marrying type thing he's got going on, you know? I plan on marrying him someday. There will not be a line drawn in middle of our home to seperate who's stuff can go where, thankyouverymuch. He leaves more stuff in my room than I leave in his and I never complain. Eesh. Yeah. I still can't believe he even made that an issue. LAME! Gr. I was so perturbed when I realized all this today after he left and I was getting dressed and I saw a pair of dirty socks on my floor. My first reaction was to smile cuz little things like that make me so happy. Then I was like, dude, Noah complains about stuff like this if it were the other way around. So it put me in a horrible mood the rest of the day. And it was SUCH/ a beautiful day today. Absolutely gorgeous. And I spent it grumbling about how lame my wonderful boyfriend is. I was in such a better mood when I finally saw him in ACE and I got to shove his socks in his face. {Metaphorically of course, I wasn't carrying his socks around all day. lol} Noah got upset about my telling him that in class. Unprofessional. I upset my boyfriend again. Gosh I'm so horrible at this being a good girlfriend thing it's disgusting. I felt really bad for doing it in ACE anyway it's just I was so stewing over it for 2 hours and all. At least this time I deserved the tsk-tsk he gave me. I should not have brought that up in class. Bad, kitty! Gr, though. Ugh. Men. Such one-sided thinking. I love him so much, dammit. Okay. I vented. I'm good. ::puts on serene smile:: I gotta run to bioethics section. I was supposed to go last night but I slept through it. Dam, I'm getting so much excersize. Today was so pretty, I was pissed that I spent all of it inside various classrooms and not outside in the sunshine. Gr. Oh, I'm gonna sign up for this thing called FOCUS. They do this thing during spring break, the go to Mexico and stuff and they help out. It's a volunteer thing but yeah. It'll be awesome, I'm sure. Gr. I think I'm late. Darn... I wanted to eat first before I left and now I can't.

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August 02, 2004 [3:29 AM] - Took the HELL test again...

July 29, 2004 [3:57 AM] - Forgiveness... Meh. Lol

July 28, 2004 [4:54 PM] - Emotional Limbo... *bends over backwards*

July 28, 2004 [1:29 PM] - the miracle of Moo

July 28, 2004 [3:05 AM] - The sound of the ocean....
