DLand profile IM me AIM! Old news about Kat... What's going on right now...

~I am feeling .
~I look at the moment.
~I am listening to right now.

God, I love this boy so much....

...and my lil kitten Moo, too.

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::listens to Bob Dylan::

February 04, 2003 ~ 11:32 PM

I was IMed today by a very nice and very smart boy. It's always nice to know that people care and they understand. Always very nice.

dylan de bob: i think what you really need to do is think of all the good things in your relationship and then think of all the bad things in your relationship assess them all and really compare and decide whether your relationship is actually worth going through knowing that what has happened in the past will most likely happen in the future
VEGG1E Kat: deep
VEGG1E Kat: now
VEGG1E Kat: who are you?
dylan de bob: just a reader
VEGG1E Kat: oh
VEGG1E Kat: =]
VEGG1E Kat: thank you for caring... really
VEGG1E Kat: much needed...
dylan de bob: your welcome
dylan de bob: its not really deep just a psychological thing...read it in a psychology book
VEGG1E Kat: should me and Noah do this together? or should I just do this on my own...?
dylan de bob: and it works for me a lot
VEGG1E Kat: sounds like a psychology thing
dylan de bob: what is this?
VEGG1E Kat: assessment
VEGG1E Kat: the pros and cons thing?
dylan de bob: oh...
VEGG1E Kat: either way it does sound effective
dylan de bob: definately an alone thing but afterward you could show him the results you come up with
VEGG1E Kat: yeah...
VEGG1E Kat: that sounds good
VEGG1E Kat: {my friend Peter likes you}
dylan de bob: and you shouldnt cut yourself very bad very bad you should talk to a psychologist or just a friend before doing that
dylan de bob: trust me...i know
VEGG1E Kat: it's just that when I feel that way...
VEGG1E Kat: I dunno
VEGG1E Kat: the last thing I'm thinking about is "Hey I should talk to someone first"
VEGG1E Kat: this last incident... It's cuz I was sad and I didn't want to cut so I went and I reached out to my boyfriend who completely misinterpreted my whole message
dylan de bob: ya well then force yourself to think about it...right a note on the wall or stamp it on your forehead backwards and keep a mirror handy
dylan de bob: ya i know
VEGG1E Kat: heh... stamp it on my forhead...
VEGG1E Kat: they need to make stamps like that
VEGG1E Kat: but wouldn't it look sorta funny? and it prolly wouldn't go with any of my outfits
dylan de bob: ya there is always that...but how good does blood and scars look with your outfits?
VEGG1E Kat: {you've inspired me to listen to some Bob Dylan.. brb}
VEGG1E Kat: {let's just say I wear a lot of longs leeves}
dylan de bob: lol
VEGG1E Kat: =]
VEGG1E Kat: I always forget how much I love Bob Dylan
dylan de bob: everybody does
VEGG1E Kat: Tis a shame
VEGG1E Kat: do you have a diary?
VEGG1E Kat: just wondering
dylan de bob: nope
dylan de bob: never been a writer i just think i guess
dylan de bob: ...and talk
VEGG1E Kat: that's okay
VEGG1E Kat: you talk good
VEGG1E Kat: well
VEGG1E Kat: i'm tired
VEGG1E Kat: so how did you come across my diary?
dylan de bob: friend showed it too me
VEGG1E Kat: oh
VEGG1E Kat: wow
VEGG1E Kat: how did they find it?
dylan de bob: dont know
dylan de bob: i gots to go
VEGG1E Kat: oh
dylan de bob: maybe ill talk to ya again some time
VEGG1E Kat: okay
VEGG1E Kat: alright
dylan de bob: buh bye
VEGG1E Kat: bye
VEGG1E Kat: :-)
VEGG1E Kat: wait
Previous message was not received by dylan de bob because of error: User dylan de bob is not available.
But alas, I did not get his name or any other significant information. I wonder where he lives, how old he is, etc. He's a smart cookie anyway. I'm sure he's gonna become one of those internet friends that I'll learn to love... It's amazing that a total stranger reads my diary and actually cares enough to message me with advice! I'm gonna take his advice and do that. After I do my Chemistry homework!

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August 02, 2004 [3:29 AM] - Took the HELL test again...

July 29, 2004 [3:57 AM] - Forgiveness... Meh. Lol

July 28, 2004 [4:54 PM] - Emotional Limbo... *bends over backwards*

July 28, 2004 [1:29 PM] - the miracle of Moo

July 28, 2004 [3:05 AM] - The sound of the ocean....
