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~I am feeling good.
~I look ew at the moment.
~I am listening to All American Rejects but I'm changing it right now right now.

God, I love this boy so much....

...and my lil kitten Moo, too.

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intellectual conversation. oh yeah.

August 18, 2003 ~ 7:12 PM

tangledhart: hello there
KatLikesStars: *meow*
KatLikesStars: how you doin?
tangledhart: good. i just took a poop
KatLikesStars: me too!!!
KatLikesStars: wow. wut a kinky dink
tangledhart: yeah but mine is like
tangledhart: kinda the squirts
tangledhart: not really
KatLikesStars: oh
KatLikesStars: see mine was like... squishy and dark
KatLikesStars: it was almost BLACK
tangledhart: mines light brown
tangledhart: reallly light
KatLikesStars: same timing, different race
KatLikesStars: of poo
KatLikesStars: i wonder if there is races of poo
KatLikesStars: cuz in that case, i have alien poo sometimes. cuz sometimes it's bright green
KatLikesStars: lol
tangledhart: sometimes mine is blue
tangledhart: when i eat a lot of blueberries
tangledhart: cuz if i eat blueberries
tangledhart: its like
tangledhart: freaking.. 2 quarts of em
tangledhart: theyre addicting
KatLikesStars: ooooh..... i want blue poo!!!
tangledhart: yes well
KatLikesStars: mine is green when i eat Lucky Charms
tangledhart: i get blue poo cuz im special
tangledhart: hahahah
KatLikesStars: =P
tangledhart: we're talking about poo
tangledhart: and im eating jello
tangledhart: and as im squishing it around in my mouth
KatLikesStars: well I'm gonna go get 2 quarts of blueberries and let's see who's special tomorrow!
tangledhart: i start thinking about our conversation
tangledhart: and then it doesnt taste too good
KatLikesStars: mmm... yum
KatLikesStars: LOL
KatLikesStars: cow feet and intestine lining
tangledhart: if you dont stop
tangledhart: ill take pics of my next poo
tangledhart: and send them to you
KatLikesStars: LOL
tangledhart: 5 times a day
tangledhart: for the next month
KatLikesStars: hey i'll juss send you my poo, too
KatLikesStars: i only poo once a day, though
KatLikesStars: usually
KatLikesStars: it's 2 if yer lucky
KatLikesStars: lol
KatLikesStars: if i still ate lucky charms i'd send you pix of my green poo
KatLikesStars: but i don't eat gelatin anymore
tangledhart: i dont like jello AT ALL
tangledhart: i try to stay away from gelatin at all costs
tangledhart: but
tangledhart: im on a diet
tangledhart: and its one of the only thingsi can eat that i dont have to cook
KatLikesStars: .....
tangledhart: but gelatin has pig feet in it
KatLikesStars: try slimfast
tangledhart: and im not all aobut the pig feet
tangledhart: neh
KatLikesStars: that's the diet i'm on
KatLikesStars: sorta
KatLikesStars: pig feet, cow feet, and intestine lining
KatLikesStars: = gelatin
KatLikesStars: yummy!
KatLikesStars: lol
KatLikesStars: <--- vegetarian
tangledhart: ohh one of those ppl
KatLikesStars: lol
KatLikesStars: sure am!
KatLikesStars: i'm one of *those*
tangledhart: one of my best friends is one
tangledhart: he's also gay
tangledhart: are you gay as well?
KatLikesStars: ....
KatLikesStars: i'm bi
KatLikesStars: =P
tangledhart: must be the lack of meat
KatLikesStars: ....
KatLikesStars: LOL
KatLikesStars: the only thing meat is good for is protein
KatLikesStars: and i get plenty of that
KatLikesStars: in soy, tofu, peanuts, and slimfast
KatLikesStars: i honestly think it's cuz i don't eat animal bones and hides and connecting tissues
KatLikesStars: lol
KatLikesStars: maybe
KatLikesStars: straight = boring
KatLikesStars: lol
tangledhart: who eats bones?
KatLikesStars: you
tangledhart: i do?
KatLikesStars: look in your jello
KatLikesStars: it'll moo at you, maybe
KatLikesStars: unless it's a pig
KatLikesStars: cuz then it'll prolly oink at you
tangledhart: youre trying to make me cry arent you
KatLikesStars: and haunt you in your sleep
KatLikesStars: no
KatLikesStars: i'm trying to convert you
KatLikesStars: LOL
KatLikesStars: :-D
tangledhart: its not going to happen
KatLikesStars: not really
KatLikesStars: i know
tangledhart: i dont like vegetables
KatLikesStars: i'm not relaly trying
tangledhart: otherwise
tangledhart: i probably would be
tangledhart: cuz the only meat i eat
tangledhart: is chicken
KatLikesStars: i don't like vegetables either
KatLikesStars: lol
tangledhart: and bacon
tangledhart: well thats not true
KatLikesStars: but you eat bones
tangledhart: okay
tangledhart: i eat
KatLikesStars: and inedible tissue
tangledhart: ham, turkey, bacon, cheeseburgers and chicken
tangledhart: but a burger is the only red meat ill eat
KatLikesStars: i like potatoes and broccoli when it's cooked real well.. but that's it
tangledhart: i dont eat steak or anything like that
KatLikesStars: lol
tangledhart: i like potatoes when theyre called french fries
KatLikesStars: boca burgers are good
KatLikesStars: and more healthy
tangledhart: no way
KatLikesStars: french fries are evil
tangledhart: youre evil!
KatLikesStars: O:-)
KatLikesStars: least i don't encourage the murder of millions of innocent creatures each day
KatLikesStars: ;-P
KatLikesStars: can you help me find a way to carry on again?
tangledhart: yes
KatLikesStars: lol
tangledhart: its called
tangledhart: eating meat
tangledhart: ma'am
KatLikesStars: ew
KatLikesStars: gross
KatLikesStars: bury me.
KatLikesStars: carry me away
tangledhart: ill carry you away to my bed
tangledhart: cuz im a stud
KatLikesStars: LOL
KatLikesStars: ooh baby
KatLikesStars: lol
tangledhart: I WORRY
tangledhart: ITS KILLING ME
tangledhart: FORGET ABOUT IT
KatLikesStars: =]
KatLikesStars: i think imma listen to that cd now
tangledhart: angry and gone
tangledhart: and the list goes on and on

Auto response from KatLikesStars: I'll be right back. Hold yer kittens. Carefully, I might add....

tangledhart: well ALRIGHT THEN
KatLikesStars: i can't move on i can't take it
tangledhart: sheeeeee
tangledhart: she says we wont ma a ake it now
KatLikesStars: i'm in love with tyson
KatLikesStars: lol
KatLikesStars: as a singer and a song writer
tangledhart: TYSON CHICKEN???
tangledhart: I KNEW IT!
KatLikesStars: ...
KatLikesStars: Tyson Ritter
KatLikesStars: lol
KatLikesStars: ;-P
tangledhart: i know
tangledhart: it was a pathetic attempt at a joke
tangledhart: tho i did make myself chuckle
tangledhart: i just hit my penis with a bouncy ball
KatLikesStars: ....
tangledhart: oh yeah
tangledhart: laugh it up
tangledhart: you wouldnt be laughing if it was your penis
KatLikesStars: i was looking for a picture of muy friend
KatLikesStars: and i came back to AIM
KatLikesStars: and it's "i just hit my penis with a bouncey ball"
KatLikesStars: lol
KatLikesStars: poor bouncey ball
KatLikesStars: is it traumatized
tangledhart: probably
tangledhart: never seen something so big
tangledhart: muahahah
KatLikesStars: good one, aidan
tangledhart: i try
KatLikesStars: *peace sign*
KatLikesStars: right on
tangledhart: peace sign?
tangledhart: what are you
tangledhart: some kind of hippie?
KatLikesStars: anime
tangledhart: speaking of hippies
KatLikesStars: yer a hippo
tangledhart: haight street was awesome
tangledhart: true!
KatLikesStars: i have a hippo
KatLikesStars: his name is Opie
KatLikesStars: wuts haight street?
tangledhart: in san francisco
tangledhart: man no wonder gay guys like to live there
tangledhart: everytime i say it
tangledhart: i feel like going
KatLikesStars: ......
KatLikesStars: sthan you mean
tangledhart: yes
tangledhart: you caught me
tangledhart: you bi person you
KatLikesStars: hahahhahahahha
tangledhart: i fucking love vh1 and their I LOVE THE 80S
KatLikesStars: i still hope that you will miss me when i'm gone
tangledhart: and this I LOVE THE 70s show
KatLikesStars: i'm gonna guess that'seither
tangledhart: is making me laugh already
KatLikesStars: TV
KatLikesStars: or magazine
tangledhart: VH1
KatLikesStars: neither of which i pay any attention to
tangledhart: THATS A CHANNEL
KatLikesStars: oh
KatLikesStars: yeah
tangledhart: you silly bisexual vegebrain
KatLikesStars: it was either that or a magazine
KatLikesStars: ....
KatLikesStars: least i don't watch TV
KatLikesStars: that shit veges yer brain
KatLikesStars: lol
tangledhart: yes cuz thats.. bad
KatLikesStars: then i'd eat ya
tangledhart: start with my wang. so i can enjoy it for a second
KatLikesStars: ....
tangledhart: youre so mysterious and dramatic
tangledhart: with your..
tangledhart: ....
tangledhart: makes me wonder
tangledhart: THE SUSPENSE
tangledhart: PLEASE
tangledhart: DONT HOLD OUT
KatLikesStars: wouldn't it hurt?
tangledhart: i said a second
tangledhart: not "let me enjoy you chomping on my manmember"
KatLikesStars: LOL
KatLikesStars: that would have been much more humorous
tangledhart: i wish i could just
tangledhart: pee on things
tangledhart: like a dog
KatLikesStars: you could
KatLikesStars: but you don't
tangledhart: like if i saw a cd i wanted
KatLikesStars: you civilized man, you
tangledhart: and i saw someone else eyeing it
tangledhart: i could just
tangledhart: kick up my leg
tangledhart: and take a leak on it
KatLikesStars: no you couldn't
tangledhart: show that guy whose boss
KatLikesStars: you'd unzip yer fly
tangledhart: you see dogs with zippers??
KatLikesStars: you'd fall if you kicke dup yer leg
KatLikesStars: and if you were really a dog
KatLikesStars: you'd eat the CD and not wanna listen to it
tangledhart: sometimes
tangledhart: you make me feel stupid
KatLikesStars: actually... you wouldn't want a CD int he first place. you'd want yer mom's butt
tangledhart: and id ont like it
KatLikesStars: sorry
KatLikesStars: you know i love you
KatLikesStars: my friend juss got here
KatLikesStars: so um... yeah i gotta go
KatLikesStars: ttyl
KatLikesStars: <3 <3 <3
tangledhart: GOODBYE

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August 02, 2004 [3:29 AM] - Took the HELL test again...

July 29, 2004 [3:57 AM] - Forgiveness... Meh. Lol

July 28, 2004 [4:54 PM] - Emotional Limbo... *bends over backwards*

July 28, 2004 [1:29 PM] - the miracle of Moo

July 28, 2004 [3:05 AM] - The sound of the ocean....
