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my convo with HoosierUVA

August 02, 2002 ~ 1:50 AM

This is the conversation I had with Chad. He's the guy I'm talking about in this entry. He's freaking awesome.

Ravenrose24: do u really like cheese?

HoosierUVA: who doesn't?

Ravenrose24: lol

Ravenrose24: vegans

Ravenrose24: ur on my buddy list... i had a comment that sed "ask if he really lies cheese"

HoosierUVA: yes they do. they like soy cheese. and I'd know. ;-)

Ravenrose24: but i dont remember who u are

Ravenrose24: lol

Ravenrose24: soy cheese?

Ravenrose24: ive never tried that

HoosierUVA: it's pretty gross.

HoosierUVA: but anyway...asl?

Ravenrose24: oh man

Ravenrose24: not that

Ravenrose24: lol

Ravenrose24: asl

Ravenrose24: hahahahahah

HoosierUVA: dude...i went there. :-)

Ravenrose24: lemme tell u

HoosierUVA: tell me what?

Ravenrose24: something

Ravenrose24: i dont remember

Ravenrose24: cuz someone juss IMed me

HoosierUVA: that was a good story.

Ravenrose24: and i got sidetracked

HoosierUVA: :-)

Ravenrose24: shut up! :-P

Ravenrose24: lol

Ravenrose24: oh

Ravenrose24: i was gonna tell u to IM this guy sn UHHH with asl he'll kick ur butt verbally

Ravenrose24: lol

HoosierUVA: I'm scared.

HoosierUVA: :-see?

Ravenrose24: awwww

Ravenrose24: okay fine

Ravenrose24: dont

Ravenrose24: it would have been funny though...

HoosierUVA: whew...got out of that one.

Ravenrose24: lol

Ravenrose24: anyway

Ravenrose24: dont do asl

Ravenrose24: be more creative

Ravenrose24: lol

HoosierUVA: too late

Ravenrose24: and less lazy

HoosierUVA: Ahh...ok. Age? Sex? Location?

HoosierUVA: or...when were you born?

HoosierUVA: where were you born? did you move from there to somewhere else?

Ravenrose24: NARRATION: and he still doesnt even know her name

HoosierUVA: You got a penis? or a vagina?

Ravenrose24: i got a vagina

HoosierUVA: I thought your name was rose.

Ravenrose24: its really not

HoosierUVA: Mine's UVA.

Ravenrose24: ....

Ravenrose24: i'm Kat

HoosierUVA: nice to meet you, raven.

HoosierUVA: nice to meet you, kat.

HoosierUVA: i'm chad

Ravenrose24: lol

Ravenrose24: hi UVAchad

HoosierUVA: so where are you from?

Ravenrose24: CA

Ravenrose24: u?

Ravenrose24: this is great ur dong better

Ravenrose24: doing

HoosierUVA: virginia...but moving to altnat on sunday

HoosierUVA: thanks, mom.

Ravenrose24: :-D

Ravenrose24: how old are u?

HoosierUVA: 26

HoosierUVA: you?

Ravenrose24: 17 and 5/6

Ravenrose24: ill b 18 in oct

HoosierUVA: happy bday.

Ravenrose24: lol

Ravenrose24: thanks?

Ravenrose24: ur early

HoosierUVA: I'm always early.

HoosierUVA: that's why my last gf broke up w/ me.

HoosierUVA: ;-)

Ravenrose24: hahahahahahhahahahahaha

Ravenrose24: sorry

Ravenrose24: that was funny

Ravenrose24: but kinda sad

Ravenrose24: my last bf broke up with me cuz he didnt wanna drive that far for sex anymore

HoosierUVA: ahhh...I hear ya

HoosierUVA: I don't drive very far for sex...they normally drive to me.

HoosierUVA: I mean...i figure if I'm paying for it they might as well be the one that's driving.

Ravenrose24: ...

Ravenrose24: well i gave it to him for free

Ravenrose24: thats y he was driving

Ravenrose24: lol

HoosierUVA: ahhh...sounds like a good deal.

Ravenrose24: how much are u charged?

HoosierUVA: I should look into something like that.

HoosierUVA: oh...not much

Ravenrose24: lol

Ravenrose24: how much is that?

HoosierUVA: couple hundred an hour.

Ravenrose24: dayam

HoosierUVA: yeah...but he was cute.

HoosierUVA: SHE

HoosierUVA: :-P

Ravenrose24: hmmm

Ravenrose24: i wanna

Ravenrose24: get into that

Ravenrose24: im poor

Ravenrose24: no money

HoosierUVA: yeah...prostitution is the way to go.

HoosierUVA: demand is high.

Ravenrose24: hmm

Ravenrose24: im not into illegal stuff though

Ravenrose24: cept shoplifting

HoosierUVA: hmmm...well that's good

Ravenrose24: but thats a necessity

HoosierUVA: right

Ravenrose24: cuz im poor

Ravenrose24: but if i do prostitution

Ravenrose24: i wont hafta steal anymore

HoosierUVA: yes

HoosierUVA: so you got pics?

Ravenrose24: yeah

Ravenrose24: lots

Ravenrose24: and lots

Ravenrose24: and lots

Ravenrose24: lol

Ravenrose24: too many if u ask me

Ravenrose24: they are all online

Ravenrose24: on various sites

HoosierUVA: where? :-)

Ravenrose24: lol

Ravenrose24: http://www.geocities.com/sparklznsuch

Ravenrose24: u can find the links in there

Ravenrose24: somewhere

Ravenrose24: lol

Ravenrose24: or try my profile here on aim

Ravenrose24: there might be a link there

HoosierUVA: ok. :-)

Ravenrose24: if u know wut Face the Jury or FindAPix is my user name is Sparklz24

Ravenrose24: do u have a pic?

HoosierUVA: I'm hoosieruva on FTJ

Ravenrose24: ooh

Ravenrose24: that could b where i found ya

HoosierUVA: you're pretty fucking sexy. :-)

Ravenrose24: hahahahahahhahahahaha

Ravenrose24: thank u!

Ravenrose24: wow

Ravenrose24: that was some compliment

HoosierUVA: is that sarcasm? :-)

Ravenrose24: no

Ravenrose24: that made me happy

HoosierUVA: it didn't creep you out coming from such an old guy?

Ravenrose24: huh?

Ravenrose24: u?

Ravenrose24: old?

Ravenrose24: no

Ravenrose24: i date up to 29

HoosierUVA: really? where do you meet 29 yr olds?

Ravenrose24: college

Ravenrose24: lol

Ravenrose24: anywhere

Ravenrose24: walking on the streets

Ravenrose24: internet

Ravenrose24: oldest ive dated is 28

Ravenrose24: but i would date 29

Ravenrose24: so ur relatively young

HoosierUVA: college?

Ravenrose24: oh

HoosierUVA: you go to college? or you just hang out at college. cruising for men?

Ravenrose24: i went to community college in Glendora for 2 years

Ravenrose24: while i was a jnr and snr in high school

Ravenrose24: next year i am attending University of California - Santa Cruz

HoosierUVA: ahhh...and you teased the older guys?

Ravenrose24: as a freshman

Ravenrose24: no

Ravenrose24: they liked me talk to me

Ravenrose24: lol

Ravenrose24: i dont tease unless im interested

Ravenrose24: damn

Ravenrose24: ur gorgeous

HoosierUVA: oh...well thanks.

HoosierUVA: that's nice...but that pic is old

Ravenrose24: so ur not gorgeous anymore?

Ravenrose24: lol

HoosierUVA: not at all.

Ravenrose24: do u have a more recent pic?

HoosierUVA: sure

HoosierUVA wants to directly connect.

HoosierUVA is now directly connected.


Ravenrose24: oh shut up

Ravenrose24: ur still gorgeous


Ravenrose24: why dont u put these up on FTJ as ur little photos?

HoosierUVA: b/c they're in the wrong format...and I'm a computer idiot.

Ravenrose24: lol

Ravenrose24: ur hot

HoosierUVA: thanks. :-)

HoosierUVA: you know I'm gonna be in california soon. ;-)

Ravenrose24: really now?

Ravenrose24: are u moving here?

Ravenrose24: wuts ur email

Ravenrose24: im changing the format for u

HoosierUVA: nope...I'm moving to atlanta

Ravenrose24: oh

HoosierUVA: my email is [email protected]

HoosierUVA: thanks. :-)

Ravenrose24: u should move to cali instead!!!

HoosierUVA: I'm taking a vacation w/ a friend of mine to the west coast

HoosierUVA: ha ha...can't. :-) got a job in atl.

Ravenrose24: r u single/

Ravenrose24: ???

HoosierUVA: very single.

HoosierUVA: haven't had a girlfriend in quite a while

Ravenrose24: i still say you should move to california

Ravenrose24: lol

HoosierUVA: hmmm...why?

Ravenrose24: im not a great cook but i'm great with cheese

Ravenrose24: plus im nice

Ravenrose24: and im single

Ravenrose24: and im in california

Ravenrose24: and ur nice

Ravenrose24: and ur hot

HoosierUVA: and you wear thongs?

Ravenrose24: only thongs

HoosierUVA: thong shoes?

Ravenrose24: i have 3 pairs of those

Ravenrose24: but underwear

Ravenrose24: is what i am referring to

HoosierUVA: well then. I'm on my way. ;-)

Ravenrose24: really?

Ravenrose24: even though i wear converse sometimes?

Ravenrose24: lol

Ravenrose24: and Vans

HoosierUVA: dammit. you shouldn't have told me that.

HoosierUVA: I mean...I didn't even know converse made underwear.

Ravenrose24: i meant shoes there

Ravenrose24: lol

Ravenrose24: hahahahah

Ravenrose24: i only wear thongs i have like 20 pairs of underwear

Ravenrose24: and i dress nice

Ravenrose24: like im not all casual dresser

Ravenrose24: im always dressed nice

Ravenrose24: and i'm on the birth control pill

Ravenrose24: and i dont ever get mad

Ravenrose24: and i would never cheat

Ravenrose24: ive been told im a great kisser

Ravenrose24: and considering my last bf was just using me for sex fer a month, i'd guess im pretty good at that too

HoosierUVA: why are you on the birth control pill when I'm not even out there?

Ravenrose24: im waiting for you!!!

Ravenrose24: duh

HoosierUVA: how old was your last bf?

Auto response from Ravenrose24: I am typing away in my online diary. I'll be back eventually... but I'm a slow typist... lol. http://sparklz24.diaryland.com

HoosierUVA direct connection is closed.

HoosierUVA: so you leave me?

Ravenrose24: did not!

Ravenrose24: im trying to write in my diary

Ravenrose24: and i only wanna talk to u

Ravenrose24: but everyone else keeps on IMing me

HoosierUVA: ahhh...ok

HoosierUVA: you got some dirty dancing pics. :-)

Ravenrose24: lol

Ravenrose24: i love dancing

HoosierUVA: so who are those guys? did ya kiss 'em? :-)

Ravenrose24: i think i kissed some of them

Ravenrose24: not all

Ravenrose24: i wasnt sober for the whole 8 day trip

Ravenrose24: and i didnt spend a peso on alcohol

Ravenrose24: lol

Ravenrose24: other ppl provided it fer me

HoosierUVA: ha ha...i figured. ;-)

Ravenrose24: :-D

Ravenrose24: it was so fun

HoosierUVA: so did ya hook up?

Ravenrose24: yes

Ravenrose24: im a nice person

Ravenrose24: i can so no sometimes

Ravenrose24: but not if they spend like a million dollars on me

Ravenrose24: where do u live now?

HoosierUVA: I'm in virginia

Ravenrose24: oh

Ravenrose24: cool

Ravenrose24: i know someone named virginia

Ravenrose24: lol

HoosierUVA: so if a guy buys you a few drinks...you're his?

Ravenrose24: no

Ravenrose24: depends on the guy

Ravenrose24: and depends on the alcohol level in the drink

Ravenrose24: i dont get drunk easily but i do get.... less clearheaded

HoosierUVA: it looks like you were getting pretty freaky out there on the dance floor

Ravenrose24: thast how i dance

Ravenrose24: have a problem with it?

HoosierUVA: ha ha...nah...I'm just jealous. how freaky do you get?

Ravenrose24: lets just say that one time, if i had had more alcohol in my system, i would have had sex vertical on the dancefloor in a crowd of people

HoosierUVA: how far did you get??

Ravenrose24: if u come here, ill show u

Ravenrose24: lol

Ravenrose24: its hazrd to explain

Ravenrose24: u know?

Ravenrose24: hard

HoosierUVA: you're such a tease. :-)

Ravenrose24: maybe

Ravenrose24: but im good for it

HoosierUVA: so you'd get freaky w/ me?

Ravenrose24: heck yeah

HoosierUVA: on the dance floor? :-)

Ravenrose24: yes

Ravenrose24: i love dancing

Ravenrose24: its just the way i dance

Ravenrose24: kinda intimate

Ravenrose24: you'll be hard within minutes

HoosierUVA: minutes? it'd take that long? :-)

Ravenrose24: within a minute i meant

Ravenrose24: lol

HoosierUVA: do you like dancing face to face? or ass to dick? ;-)

Ravenrose24: both

Ravenrose24: i can do both

Ravenrose24: wutever the guy likes more

Ravenrose24: im a ppl pleaser

Ravenrose24: ;-)

HoosierUVA: i love ass to dick. :-) as long as it's female ass to dick, that is. :-P

Ravenrose24: hahahaha

Ravenrose24: i like dancing like that

Ravenrose24: but i dont do anal =-O

Ravenrose24: just a thing i have

HoosierUVA: especially not while dancing I'd hope.

Ravenrose24: yeah

Ravenrose24: specially

Ravenrose24: i promise u my azz is pretty female

Ravenrose24: so u dont hafta worry bout that one

Ravenrose24: u should move to cali already

HoosierUVA: how would you welcome me?:-)

Ravenrose24: with open legs

Ravenrose24: i mean

Ravenrose24: arms

Ravenrose24: =P

HoosierUVA: tease. :-)

Ravenrose24: lol

Ravenrose24: it was a slip of the finger

Ravenrose24: =P

Ravenrose24: honest mistake

Ravenrose24: lol

HoosierUVA: i'll show you a slip of the finger.

Ravenrose24: tease

HoosierUVA: wait...that came out wrong!

HoosierUVA: :-P

Ravenrose24: hahahaha

Ravenrose24: rite

Ravenrose24: i think it came out perfect

Ravenrose24: did u check ur mail yet?

Ravenrose24: and how come u only have one fave on FTJ? there are so many pretty gurls on there, yo

Ravenrose24: hmmm

Ravenrose24: did u fall asleep?

Ravenrose24: guess so

Ravenrose24: i'll do the same

Ravenrose24: :-D

Ravenrose24: nite sexy

Ravenrose24: MUAH!

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August 02, 2004 [3:29 AM] - Took the HELL test again...

July 29, 2004 [3:57 AM] - Forgiveness... Meh. Lol

July 28, 2004 [4:54 PM] - Emotional Limbo... *bends over backwards*

July 28, 2004 [1:29 PM] - the miracle of Moo

July 28, 2004 [3:05 AM] - The sound of the ocean....
