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God, I love this boy so much....

...and my lil kitten Moo, too.

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I love this guy Charlie and I still love Abel... (DAMMIT!)

September 02, 2002 ~ 11:16 PM

Bhmn care o ac: yo

RavenRose24: hey sexy

Bhmn care o ac: yo

RavenRose24: welcome

RavenRose24: why are u yellow

RavenRose24: i dont like that color

RavenRose24: ;-P

Bhmn care o ac: cause yellow stands out

Bhmn care o ac: is that better

RavenRose24: hmmm

RavenRose24: why cant u just do a nice color like blue?

Bhmn care o ac: ok

RavenRose24: or light blue?

RavenRose24: yeah

RavenRose24: that works

Bhmn care o ac: red

RavenRose24: wut u have

RavenRose24: lol

RavenRose24: do u know if mark appleyard has aim?

RavenRose24: or aol?

Bhmn care o ac: i don't know

RavenRose24: what do u think guys like most about me?

Bhmn care o ac: tht you are a horny asian girl

RavenRose24: lol

RavenRose24: really?

RavenRose24: wuts my best asset?

Bhmn care o ac: maybe

Bhmn care o ac: at least that's why i like you

RavenRose24: hahahah

Bhmn care o ac: your best asset is that you can put up with me

RavenRose24: lol

RavenRose24: ur not hard to put up with, love

RavenRose24: i'm serious

RavenRose24: what do u think my best aspect is?

Bhmn care o ac: thats good i suppose

RavenRose24: wuts my best asset?

Bhmn care o ac: um

Bhmn care o ac: on a first impression, or after someone has already goten to know you?

RavenRose24: hmm

RavenRose24: tell me both

Bhmn care o ac: first impression: your curves and you are outgiong

Bhmn care o ac: afterwards: persuant and your curves

RavenRose24: lol

RavenRose24: anyhow my curves

Bhmn care o ac: ?

RavenRose24: im just wondering

RavenRose24: why it is that guys find me attractive?

Bhmn care o ac: cause your a sexy beast

RavenRose24: hahahahhaha

RavenRose24: thanks

RavenRose24: lol

Bhmn care o ac: cause you are

RavenRose24: ur so adorable

RavenRose24: thanks

I really do love my friend Charlie. He's the greatest. He makes me feel better about myself and stuff. He has such low self esteem though and I worry about him. But he's great. One of the most honest, open, adorable guys you will ever meet in your life. He's beautiful. One of my bestest friends in the world. I feel so comfortable with him. I spent a lot of today with him. It was cool. We just watched skate videos and cuddled. He's trying to teach me a bit of skater lingo. Like the tricks and stuff. Yeah right. No. He's a sweetie though. So cute.
I called Abel today... I actually got to talk to him for about five minutes. But his neighbor was over. Pretty little Mexican girl named Nicole. I wonder what they do. I feel this heavy pain settle on my heart when I think of him. I cried after he hung up with me. He'd told me to call him at 10. I did. He wasn't home. That's the thing with falling so in love with someone, you give them the power to hurt you, to tear you up inside. And no one knows how much I am hurting. Not Charlie, not Steve, not Ricky, not Alex, not Daniel. I keep the pain inside of me. I don't wanna bug my friends with it. Do they know I cry almost everyday? That Abel Luque is still the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing on my mind when I drift off the sleep? I sleep clutching his bandanna in my hand. I'll wake up if it slips out of my grasp and I find it again. He's 15 minutes away from me yet so so far. But he's still in my heart. I still love him. He doesn't deserve me, my love and devotion and passion. He doesn't; so why do I still love him so much?

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August 02, 2004 [3:29 AM] - Took the HELL test again...

July 29, 2004 [3:57 AM] - Forgiveness... Meh. Lol

July 28, 2004 [4:54 PM] - Emotional Limbo... *bends over backwards*

July 28, 2004 [1:29 PM] - the miracle of Moo

July 28, 2004 [3:05 AM] - The sound of the ocean....
